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Cleaning water pipes is an annoying and time-consuming chore. Save yourself the hassle by adding a few drops of RezBlock Resin Preventer to the water in your piece before you smoke. RezBlock is an all natural combination of fruit and vegetable extracts. It creates a coating which prevents resin from collecting on glass. Simply add RezBlock to your water pipe or bubbler, and very little resin will stick to the glass anywhere it touches water. You’ll need 7-14 drops per use depending on the size of the piece and whether it has a perc where you can also add a couple drops. RezBlock will change the color of your water but it won’t affect the taste or the high when you smoke. When using RezBlock you should change your water at least every three days. When you do, you’ll be impressed by how most of the resin goes down the drain rather than staying in your water pipe. This 30ml Dropper is good for up to 120 uses.
Volume ml : 30 mL
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