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Today we sit down with Jake Lloyd, a member of the GRAV® team and a staple of the Austin music scene. We talk about the people and experiences that got him to this point and the goals he has moving...
Removable downstems are easy to clean and replace, but sometimes they can become stuck. When this happens, you can put a vibrating object (phone, electronic toothbrush, razor, or anything el...
Vapor straw tips are thin, so if you’re using a larger torch, you might seal the end up over time. If this happens, you can fix it using the same torch that created the seal. While rotating...
Ash catchers are common, staple accessories, and they essentially act as a barrier between your bowl and water pipe. Ideally, to get the most out of your piece’s function, your water pipe should...
Since 2013 the Armadillo Art Glass Initiative (AAGI) has brought together artists, musicians, and the best glassblowers in the industry to raise money for Meals on Wheels Central Texas. We sat d...
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