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Shop Shout Out: DopeBoo Let’s give DopeBoo a round of a-paws
We might have mentioned it a time or two, but here at GRAV, we love our dogs. There are always at least a couple pups around...
Shop Shoutout: DankGeek seriously, pretty dank
With our emphasis on scientific glass and cutting edge product development, we can get pretty nerdy about smoking accessories here at GRAV....
Cannabusiness at South by Southwest: From Black Market to Conference Panel The times they are a-changin
If you live in Austin, Texas, your feelings about the annual South by Southwest f...
A Case Study of Unusual Munchies GRAV tried them so you don’t have to
Usually things at GRAV are fast-paced and exciting, and that’s how we like it. But every once in a while we get a l...
How to Take Stoned Sex to the Next Level this Valentine’s Day Why settle for that amateur shit?
People have probably been combining cannabis and sex since the dawn of cannabis consumpt...
An Interview With Dave Daily So I set out to create something that didn’t rely on me to be successful. Create an object that people want to engage with because it became a meaningful object t...
Chef Buds take that, liver.
While many of us have experienced some kind of bud-food fusion (often in the form of dubious baked goods), it’s a whole new world out there when it comes to cook...
Austin’s CBD Sisters a higher calling
It’s not uncommon for a major life event to lead people to their higher calling. But for Shayda Torabi, finding that calling was a bit more painful tha...
The GRAV Back to School Survival Kit By Laura Suarez
The time has come to go back to school. You’ve registered for classes. You’ve bought books. And, you’ve moved into your dorm room. Your ...
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